
Ik ben Martijn, software-ontwikkelaar bij DGMR Software, vader van drie bloedjes van kinders, liefhebber van taal, fantasy en science-fiction.

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J.R.R. Tolkien’s original illustrations for The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit


J.R.R. Tolkien’s original illustrations for The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit

The Hall at Bag-End, Residence of Bilbo Baggins


Helm’s Deep and Hornurg

Orthanc, the Tower of Isengard, and Minas Tirith

Elvish script in Tolkien’s own hand

Bilbo comes to the Huts of the Raft-elves

Conversation with Smaug

Smaug flies around the Mountain.

The forest of Lothlorien in spring.

Graph found on Reddit gauging character representation in Peter Jackson’s LOTR Trilogy and Tolkien’s…


Graph found on Reddit gauging character representation in Peter Jackson’s LOTR Trilogy and Tolkien’s LOTR books.

Gandalf paused and set a few leaves aside....

tolkienmatters: Gandalf paused and set a few leaves aside. ‘There are several pages of the same sort, rather hastily written and much damaged, he said; `but I can make little of them in this light. Now there must be a number of leaves missing, because they begin to be numbered five, the fifth year of the colony, I suppose. Let me see! No, they are too cut and stained; I cannot read them. We might do better in the sunlight. Wait! Here is something: a large bold hand using an Elvish script.’

‘That would be Ori’s hand,’ said Gimli, looking over the wizard’s arm. `He could write well and speedily, and often used the Elvish characters.’

`I fear he had ill tidings to record in a fair hand,’ said Gandalf. ‘The first clear word is sorrow, but the rest of the line is lost, unless it ends in estre. Yes, it must be yestre followed by day being the tenth of novembre Balin lord of Moria fell in Dimrill Dale. He went alone to look in Mirror mere. an orc shot him from behind a stone. we slew the orc, hut many more … up from east up the Silverlode. The remainder of the page is so blurred that I can hardly make anything out, but I think I can read we have barred the gates, and then can hold them long if, and then perhaps horrible and suffer. Poor Balin! He seems to have kept the title that he took for less than five years. I wonder what happened afterwards; but there is no time to puzzle out the last few pages.

- Gandalf reading the fifth(?) page of the Book of Mazarbul. Tolkien recreated the pages referenced in the book by burning them with his pipe and applying paint. Note that the book was written in both Tengwar and Angerthas Erebor (Dwarven runes). Fellowship of the Ring, The Bridge of Khazad-dûm.

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"Preview HTML" is a plug-in for Notepad++ which allows previewing a HTML page inside Notepad++ while editing it. (No longer maintained, source available).


HTMLTag plug-in for the Notepad++ editor. (No longer maintained, source available).